EVA爆笑学园是由三木俊一郎,樱井弘明执导,主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:故事发生在一所名叫第3新东京世立NERV学园中,校长是严肃又寡言的碇原度(立木文彦 配音)。作为校长的儿子,碇真嗣(绪方惠美 配音)感到压力很大。于此同时,来自外国的红发转学生明日香(宫村优子 配
This is a great childhood story to tell a person to share things with others put yourself in other peoples shoes sharing and bring happiness always treat others with positive attitude always make believe that everything is going to be alright but the plot is quite a cliche it’s just you can estimate everything the story goes