疯狂倒计时是由黎涛执导,陈刚,吴毅将,郑浩南,孙晶晶,赵小锐,程煜主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:在一次打击制毒贩毒的行动中,某市刑警副队长洪剑阳(赵小锐 饰)击毙毒枭张宝亮,却由此为自己的命运埋下祸根。张宝亮的对手熊哥趁机扩大地盘,而张的弟弟张宝民则对洪剑阳恨之入骨。因伤未能参加行动的京刑警
【2020年3月7日-「ARROW ACADEMY-Woody Allen•Six Films•1971——1978」】 -Increasing thoughts about death just seemed to come over me. -Um, these, uh... -A preoccupation with my own mortality. -These... feelings of futility in relation to my work. -I mean, just what am I striving to create anyway? -I mean, to what end? For what purpose, what goal? -I mean...Do I really care if a handful of my poems are read after I'm gone?Is that supposed to be some sort of compensation?