碧血剑是由张彻执导,郭追,文雪儿,江生,井莉,龙天翔主演的一部动作片。主要讲述了:故事发生在明朝末年,袁承志(郭追 饰)是忠诚袁承焕(魏添财 饰)的儿子,在父子横死之后,袁承志由仆人带领,逃亡至华山,成为了华山派掌门人穆人清(李寿祺 饰)的弟子。一次偶然中,袁承志于一个山洞内发
@metrograph: Friendship btw women has always been one of the biggest sources of confusion in my life. (Comparing to that my relations w men is simple, blunt, almost stupid). The relation btw Apple and Susan is definitely idealistic, yet undeniably real. Perhaps I want to and need to believe in such fantasy. (w/ Li Chen)