经典但不合我口味的众多片子之一,像 法国 虎口脱险,英国 师奶杀手,美国 我的表哥维尼,加上这部 一条旺达的鱼。也许是文化不同,加上年代变迁,还有各种各样现代喜剧片的冲刷,往昔的票房NO.1,渐渐与当代人脱节。女主从 月光光心慌慌 出道,后来与施瓦辛格合作了 真实的谎言。
#FNC2020online# "The officer and his wife will always be remembered by the court portraits. The dead will vanish into nothing. In times like this, it is more important to talk about the dead than about the living. Don't take people's spirit away. I will die without leaving a mark because I don't have a history. Tell my story and the story of the dead."